
Admissions Information

Crossflatts Primary School is 2 form entry (60 pupils per year group).


Nursery Admissions

To apply for a place in our nursery, please contact the School Office or download a  Nursery Application Form from the Our School section of the website to complete and return to school. The school will need to see the birth certificate of the child and this information will be recorded on the application form. We have two intakes per year and all children will join the nursery in either September or January depending on their date of birth. Children must be age three to be able to join our nursery.
 Reception Admissions

To apply for a place in Reception, please contact Bradford City Council admissions team on 01274 439200. Please see guide below 'Applying for a Primary School'.

In-Year Transfers

For In-Year transfers, please contact Bradford City Council admissions team on 01274 439200 .


Appeal arrangements for admissions:

Please click this link for appeal admissions: Bradford Appeals Admissions


Our Admission Policy can be found in our policy section of the website.