About Friends of Crossflatts


About Friends of Crossflatts

Friends of Crossflatts (Formerly known as PTA) is a charity run by the parents/carers of pupils at Crossflatts Primary School. As parents and friends of Crossflatts, you are automatically members and all are welcome to get involved.

Your input is greatly needed. We would love to hear any suggestions you have to improve upon our activities and would value your help at our events. Our email address is friends@crossflatts.bradford.sch.uk if you want to get in touch with us.

The Committee consists of:

  •      Chair - Alex Ingham
  •      Treasurer - Chris Smith
  •      Secretary - Jen Rolls
  •      Trustees - Lucy Hennessy, Suzanne Hatherley and Sarah Priestley

Year Representatives

Each Year group has a parent/carer nominated as representative to help communicate the latest information from Friends. If you wish to ask a question/raise an issue you are welcome to pass them on through the year representatives.

The Year group representatives for the year 2022-23 are as follows:

Year 6 - Alex Ingham

Year 5 - Louisa Carr

Year 4 - Gayle Corby

Year 3 - Lucy Hennessy & Sofia Mahmoud

Year 2 - Alison Powney

Year 1 – Hannah Clifford

Reception - Ravinder Sandhu

Nursery - If you are interested in being our Year Rep for the Owls then please get in touch on friends@crossflatts.bradford.sch.uk

How to get involved?

We encourage anyone from our school community to attend our monthly meetings. We meet the 1st Friday of every month at 9am face to face in school. Just come along to the school reception and join us for a cuppa. For those that may not be available to attend meetings in person we also hold Zoom meetings every second Wednesday of the month at 8pm. If you would like to attend, please contact friends@crossflatts.bradford.sch.uk.

Meeting dates for the 2022-23 term are:

  •      Friday 4th November 9am
  •      Wednesday 9th November 8pm
  •      Friday 2nd December 9am
  •      Wednesday 7th December 8pm
  •      Friday 6th January 9am
  •      Wednesday 11th January 8am
  •      Friday 3rd February 9am
  •      Wednesday 8th February 8pm
  •      Friday 3rd March 9am
  •      Wednesday 8th March 8pm
  •      Friday 5th May 9am
  •      Wednesday 10th May 8pm
  •      Friday 9th June 9am
  •      Wednesday 14th June 8pm
  •      Friday 7th July 9am
  •      Wednesday 12th July 8pm


Meeting Minutes

Minutes from monthly meetings

Sept 22 - July 23 & AGM

Sept 21- July 22