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Welcome to Crossflatts Primary School

"We are a family, who learn how to flourish and then fly high."

Mrs N Bennett

Mrs N Bennett


I am delighted to welcome you to our school website and positively encourage you to spend a few minutes exploring our site so you can discover the 'magic' that is Crossflatts Primary School.

First and foremost, the children are at the heart of all we do at Crossflatts Primary School and we strongly believe it is our responsibility to provide a place where everyone feels welcome, safe, secure and highly valued. The education we provide is of the highest standard possible and inclusive of everyone.

Our unique Crossflatts Curriculum frequently provides innovative opportunities and inspiring experiences, which light the fires inside our children and highly motivate our children as learners. This is underpinned by both the Foundation Curriculum and the National Curriculum.

We also view it as our responsibility to play a significant role in shaping core values within our children. We view these as fundamental building blocks to ensure our children develop as people as well as life-long learners. It is vital they are equipped emotionally, morally and academically to contribute positively to our wider community and society at large.

We are here to ensure that each and every one of the children who arrive through our doors leave as the greatest version of themselves that they can possibly be. If I were to sum up my vision into one sentence as the Headteacher of Crossflatts it would be ‘Come as you are and leave at your best.’

We are proud to be a cornerstone of our local community and we greatly value the successful partnerships we share between our families, community and Crossflatts Primary School and recognise these as integral to the happiness and success of our pupils.

I am intensely proud to be the Headteacher of Crossflatts Primary School and lead a school with wonderful children and a dedicated team of incredibly committed and hardworking professionals who all work relentlessly hard to deliver nothing less than magic.

Mrs Bennett's Blog

Headteacher Blog 18.07.2024

Next Thursday, we say a fond farewell to our Year 6. These children have travelled a phenomenal distance over their time with us here, achieving greatly both academically and personally. They leave us as kind, bright and confident young people ready for the next chapter in their lives. I would like on behalf of all the staff, to wish them the very best of luck with their next steps and they know they are always very welcome at Crossflatts Primary School.

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Headteacher Blog 11.07.2024

Happy Rose Day everyone! I am writing this just before we begin our dress rehearsal before the main event this afternoon. We are hoping the rain just holds off so we can keep everyone dry and able to just have fun! I know the day will be fantastic and as always, on Rose Day, there is an excited buzz in the air this morning at Crossflatts Primary School! I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff and children for their hard work, energy and commitment they give to Rose Day to make it so special and unique to our school.

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Headteacher Blog 04.07.2024

We are deep into our Rose Day preparations ahead of next Thursday, with one week to go till Rose Day.The afternoon performance next Thursday will begin at 1.30pm prompt and the front gate only will be open from 1pm for families to come in and take their seats on our banking ready to enjoy what is going to be a wonderful show!

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Headteacher Blog 27.06.2024

The last few days of June! We are hurtling towards our final few weeks in school before we break up for the summer holidays with such a packed schedule ahead! Tomorrow, Friday 28th of June, our children are invited to come to school in non-uniform if they can bring a sweet treat for our Rose Day Tombola. Next Friday, 5th of July, our Year 6 children will be holding their annual Prom fund raiser stalls where the rest of school are invited to visit their stalls which sell- baked goods, drinks, games to play, toys and books to buy.

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